Yesterday's henna afternoon with Erika did not go quite as planned...
The henna I mixed up failed to stain the skin properly (luckily I had tested it the night before). Sometimes you get a batch of dodgy powder, or like in my case, I used henna that had been open for about six months so it had gone stale. Disappointing, since I had gone to the effort of mixing it (not just a case of adding water....it entails lemon juice, eucalytus oil, straining through a stocking, making a cone etc).
Still, not to be discouraged, we had a trusty fall back - Temptu! Temptu looks similar to Henna but is painted on instead of piped on. It's a little trickier and takes longer but the result is nice and we added some body glitter (which stays on for days!).
What fun it is to take time out of your day to decorate your skin. It's such a simple relaxing thing to do which doesn't involve any distractions or trappings of modern life (well except I always feel the need to photograph said occasions, so out comes the camera!).
Photographing these did turn out to be a bit of a challenge as Mr Tara had taken the regular camera on a short jaunt to New Zealand and left me with a big clunky SLR digital beast to use. Mystified by all its buttons and dials most of my pics turned out either a) orange or b) blurry or c) orange and blurry. Here's the best of them:
Temptu, glitter and brushes all ready to go...
Erika's arm...
Mine and Erika's arm - difficult to achieve this shot holding the clunky camera at arm's length - it has a timer function so you can set it up and get in the shot...but we couldn't find it amongst all the bells and whistles. Hence the angle....
So, a lovely afternoon was spent painting flowers, eating biscuits and catching up. Looking forward not only to Mr Tara's return from the homeland, but the return of the no-frills, idiot proof camera coming back.
So now to correcting my Karma...
Today I have also been making name tags for Nomadic Tara. Given that Nomadic Tara's budget does not quite run to ordering commercially printed tags at the moment, I've taken to hand-writing my own and cutting each one out to become labels on my products. Something borne of an empty purse, has become a bit of a trademark look for me, and I like it. It's cottage industry at it's grass roots. Never say never, but I feel that even when the purse is more full, I will continue to make hand written tags as each one is unique.
It's like being on detention and having to write my name 100 times....
Many years ago, my bestest buddy and I (Kim, you shall not remain nameless.....) were caught cheating in a maths exam by our teacher Mrs Slack (not kidding, that was her real name). Both Kim and I were fairly hopeless at maths so came up with the brilliant idea of splitting the exam in two. I'd do the even numbered questions and Kim would do the odd numbered ones, and we would share answers. Well, we got caught "sharing" as we called it... or "cheating" as Mrs Slack called it.
We didn't have to write lines, in fact we only got a telling off. Still, my karma has probably been out of whack ever since. So Mrs Slack, I know its been well over 20 years, but now I'm inadvertently making up for my wrong-doing. Correcting my Karma as it were....
Well, here we are on the cusp of another weekend - Happy Friday everyone!
PS. Kimmy - here's an idea - in order to correct both our karmic balances, how about I write "Nomadic" and you write "Tara", then I stitch them together....??? See, over 20 years on and we're still working as a team....