Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Marigolds and wanderlust...

Cripes my feet are itchy.  I mean, time to take a trip kind of itchy.  I've been looking back over my photos from my time in India (and Nepal) in 2010.... and suffering from a spot of wanderlust.  In the meantime, since reality dictates that for now, I must work and pay bills - not wander off into the sunset, I tend my little patch of marigolds in my garden, and dream of far off lands...

In India and Nepal, marigolds are everywhere.  Their colour is so intense and shrines, homes, boats, cows and shops are adorned with marigold offerings.  Here are some of our pictures... I couldn't walk past a marigold offering without stopping to ooh and ahh...

Stupa with marigold offerings on the streets of Kathmandu...

 Buddha with offerings of rice, vermilion and marigolds in Nepal...
 Stupa adorned with vermilion and marigolds in Kathmandu, Nepal...
 I'm pretty much living my dream being a Henna artist, but if I wasn't wielding a henna cone for a living, I'd quite fancy stringing marigolds together with this lady...
 Monkey temple - Kathmandu...
 Kathmandu, Nepal...
 Diwali garlands in India...
 An abandoned garland on the beach in Goa...
Hope this has brightened your day...


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