Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Nomadic Tara GIVEAWAY!!!!

Ooooh how exciting!!!!  To celebrate the one year anniversary of "Nomadic Tara", and to thank you all for your support, I'm having a giveaway!

The lucky winner will receive the White Star Dreamcatcher (hand made my me) pictured below, plus an extra little surprise...

To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment here on this blog post, AND "like" me on either Facebook or Instagram (or both - that would be super nice!).

The winner will be drawn out of a hat on 30th April 2013.

Good luck everyone!

Tara x


  1. What a great giveaway, I love your dreamcatchers! *fingers crossed*
    Ps. I'm already a fan on Facebook (Kiera Jean) and Instagram (almostamelody) xxx

  2. "What I call" a great give away!! Love your stuff - have the flags you sent me around family and friend photos. xoxo

  3. Hey NT, thought I'd sign up for your give-away :-) I'm already a fan on facebook but still to join the World of Instagram. Happy one year anniversary - so very happy for you my friend.

  4. Happy 1st Anniversary Nomadic Tara. I've liked you on facebook, but have yet to join the World of Instagram, but hopefully I'll still get into your free prize draw. Wishing you lots more success. Cheers Debbie

    1. Hi Debbie! Yes, you are in the draw :0)
      Thanks for all your support and encouragement with Nomadic Tara - maybe we can Skype this weekend? I will message you... T x

  5. Hey Nomadic Tara! I'd like to join your draw and happy one year anniversary! I love your work and you're so friendly every time I go to get my henna done =D I have liked you on facebook but have no instagram
    - Olivia Berryman

  6. Hey Tara! Little Wise One here. I just want to say happy 1st birthday! I don't want to go in the draw cos I want one of the lovely people above to win! Spread the Nomadic Tara love!!! ;-)

  7. HI Tara, happy 1st anniversary :)
    I would just like to say how lovely you were when I was getting my Henna done by you at ishka in FG. It is always nice to know that their are still strangers in this world that care, and are interested in their clients story's. Great service :)

    A beautiful dream catcher also, hopefully I am lucky enough to win it. Fingers crossed!!! :)
    I am a fan on Facebook, but not on instagram unfortunately, too technical for me. haha

    Thanks, maddii xxxx

  8. Hi Tara,
    Happy 1st Anniversary!
    I love your etsy shop, such beautiful creations <3
    I have liked your Facebook page and following on Instagram :)
    Would love to be in the draw for one of your gorgeous dream catchers.

  9. Aww happy first anniversary!!! Just stumbled upon you the other day and I just love you! <3 I don't know if this is an international giveaway or not but I'm going to follow you and leave this comment anyways:) much love!!! -Natalie (weezy_weez)

    1. Hi Natalie, yes it's an international giveaway so I have entered you in the draw. Good luck! (Winner drawn tomorrow morning). Tara x


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